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Why Choose McFadden Facilitation & Mediation for Public Relations also?


We utilize a proactive approach when developing and implementing public outreach campaigns for construction projects. Coordinating between residents, businesses, local elected officials, emergency services and the media is key to minimizing community impacts during large construction projects. Our knowledge and experience in the transportation industry provides us with the tools necessary to effectively create and maintain this coordination while mitigating potential issues.


Thomas Wiseman, MBA

Skilled Public Affairs Officer and Construction Liaison


Thomas......background and experience....include A-E experience, Media, PR, Ashland/APAC, Fernald



  • Eleven years in corporate communications that encompassed internal communications, external communications, public relations, executive communications, marketing communications, media relations, trade press, crisis communications, special event planning, copy writing, community relations and outreach.

  • Experience in headquarters of a Fortune 250 global chemical company with operations in more than 100 countries and at the headquarters of the autoglass industry world leader. 

  • Five years in marketing, strategic business planning, marketing communications and business development for startup, small and medium sized businesses. Four years in business development and community relations in the architectural/engineering industry.

  • Public speaking including training seminars for large groups, high level corporate presentations, sales presentations, community meetings and workshops, special events and ceremonies, and college classroom teaching as an adjunct business instructor. 













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